By Meagan Dorsch and Qiana Flores
The federal earned income tax credit is designed to help low-to moderate-income, working people get ahead. These tax credits may provide incentives to work and the tools to build their financial assets and savings.
Twenty-five states and the District of Columbia have their own EITC laws to offer additional benefits. The average credit was $2,240 in 2010, yet around 20 percent of eligible people do not claim their credit during tax season.
In this edition of the Buzz at State Legislature (5:34), Qiana Flores of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Working Families Partnership talks about public and private initiatives to educate people about the availability of EITCs. Some initiatives offer information hotlines or informing employees, sponsor media outreach efforts or organize free tax preparation sites. Qiana discusses ways legislators can get the word out to their constituents. This podcast is made possible by support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation.