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October 22, 2013


Debbie Haskins

I will miss the Thicket! Thank you for your work over the years. I'm sure the blog will be great, too.

Kathy McGuire

Thank you for the Thicket, Karl!

Alfred Speer, Clerk

So few years yet such an expanse of time. The Thicket was so avant garde in 2006 I was stunned at the possibility of a repetitive source for arcane and interesting legislative information. Having tried and failed to create a state centered replicant I know the hard work, dedication, and perseverance required to make the Thicket a success. It is a success for its now it has been the subject of corporate take-over; the US's one true measure of value.
Thank you for peeking my interest over and over. I can only hope that the corporate version will come close.

Kathy Tingelstad

Great info thru the years! Thanks for your hard work. --Kathy Tingelstad, Minnesota

Gail Stone

Thank you for six years of blogging that has often provoked thought and has sparked my curiosity about all sorts of intrigues and alternatives. Your labors have been much appreciated out here in the Other Washington, Karl. Cheers!

Tom Bottern

Thank you, Karl, for the years of entertaining and enlightening posts that have made working in the legislative setting even more enjoyable. I am looking forward to the blog, and hoping you can put your stamp on that too. Thanks again!

Ken Levine

So long, it's been good to know you. Thanks for the many words over the years. Will look forward to the new expanded blog, but heck, how catchy is the name "The NCSL Blog"?

John Hale

Let me add my thanks as well, Karl, for all of the fascinating information that the Thicket has provided.

Anne Dunn

You have given the Thicket a special spirit that I for one have really appreciated. Many thanks for this

Karl Kurtz

Thanks to all for the kind comments about The Thicket. I am amused by Alfred "Butch" Speer's comment about a corporate takeover. To the extent that it's a good analogy, it's definitely a friendly takeover.

And yes, Ken is right, that "The NCSL Blog" is not the most inspired name, but it performs the trick.

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